Linux Foundation Welcomes New Open Source Projects from Peraton Labs to Scale 5G Security

Peraton Labs, the applied research unit of Peraton, open sources its ProD3 and SEDIMENT network security projects for 5G and IoT under neutral auspices of the Linux Foundation

SAN FRANCISCO Feb. 22, 2023 – The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization focused on fostering innovation through open source, today announced the open sourcing of two new 5G projects, ProD3 and SEDIMENT, from Peraton Labs. Peraton Labs is the pioneering applied research unit of Peraton – a leading mission capability integrator and transformative enterprise IT provider. Both projects will now be hosted at the Linux Foundation as part of its broad portfolio of networking projects.

The ProD3 and SEDIMENT projects are key components of the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency’s (DARPA’s) Open Programmable Secure 5G (OPS-5G) program. OPS-5G seeks to improve 5G security through a portable, standards-compliant network stack that is open, plug-and-play, and secure by design.

“Our work on OPS-5G is producing high-value 5G security solutions that enable secure operation over untrusted hardware, reduce the risk of supply chain attacks, and scale to accommodate the growing number of sensors and Internet of Things devices on 5G infrastructure,” said Petros Mouchtaris, PhD, president of Peraton Labs. “We look forward to supporting DARPA’s open-source work with the Linux Foundation by open sourcing our ProD3 and SEDIMENT projects in support of DARPA’s efforts to accelerate research, development, and innovation in open software for 5G and IoT.”

On ProD3, Peraton Labs is maturing a programmable, real-time, distributed defense capability for 5G network services. ProD3 provides distributed denial of service (DDoS) protection and defense against network compromise that scales for heterogeneous networks with devices ranging from Internet of Things (IoT) sensors to servers enabled for 5G and beyond.

On SEDIMENT, Peraton Labs is maturing open software for a distributed and scalable 5G security architecture with remote attestation for networked IoT devices of widely disparate size, weight and power (SWaP). The SEDIMENT solution relies entirely on software, requires no modification to existing devices, and enables rapid identification and isolation of potentially compromised devices.

“We appreciate the partnership with the US Government /DARPA to provide a public/private partnership using the best of open source principles, including an upstream-first strategy,” said Arpit Joshipura, general manager, Networking, Edge, IoT, the Linux Foundation. “We look forward to expanding the collaboration and further enabling secure and scalable open source 5G solutions.”

The move signifies a growing partnership between the Linux Foundation and United States government agencies, part of a broader industry effort to open source more 5G and NextG functions for increased security, scalability, and flexibility.

Both projects come with government and industry backing, with additional support as follows: 

  • ProD3
    • Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific (NIWC Pacific)
    • Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
    • Peraton Labs
    • (
    • USC Information Science Institute
    • Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific (NIWC Pacific)
    • Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
    • University of California, Irvine (UCI)
    • USC Information Sciences Institute
    • Peraton Labs
    • Kryptowire Labs
    • Aarno Labs

More information about these projects may be found at

About Peraton Inc

Peraton drives missions of consequence spanning the globe and extending to the farthest reaches of the galaxy. As the world’s leading mission capability integrator and transformative enterprise IT provider, Peraton delivers trusted and highly differentiated national security solutions and technologies that keep people safe and secure. Peraton serves as a valued partner to essential government agencies across the intelligence, space, cyber, defense, civilian, health, and state and local markets. Every day, its employees do the can’t be done, solving the most daunting challenges facing our customers.

About The Linux Foundation

The Linux Foundation is the organization of choice for the world’s top developers and companies to build ecosystems that accelerate open technology development and industry adoption. Together with the worldwide open source community, it is solving the hardest technology problems by creating the largest shared technology investment in history. Founded in 2000, The Linux Foundation today provides tools, training and events to scale any open source project, which together deliver an economic impact not achievable by any one company. More information can be found at

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Media Contact

Jill Lovato

The Linux Foundation

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If you have any questions, please contact the DARPA Public Release Center.

DARPA and the Linux Foundation Create Open Software Initiative to Accelerate US R&D Innovation, 5G End to End Stack

  • Partnership enables acceleration of innovation, collaboration, and US competitiveness in areas of 5G, Edge, IOT, AI and Security
  • New umbrella organization at the Linux Foundation, US GOV OPS, to host first project, OPS 5G (Open Programmable, Secure), to accelerate 5G, Edge & IoT technologies creation and deployment
  • Open Ecosystem efforts aligns on a common open source architecture and set of open source projects and focuses on integrations and enhancements to the secure open source end to end 5G stack.
  • Effort leverages the existing networking open source projects and community efforts at the Linux Foundation and industry disruptions like disaggregation, SDN/NFV, and cloud native. 

SAN FRANCISCO  February 17, 2021 – The Linux Foundation (LF), the nonprofit organization enabling mass innovation through open source, today announced it has signed a collaboration agreement with the  Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to create open source software that accelerates United States government technology research and development innovation.

Under the agreement, DARPA and the LF will create a broad collaboration umbrella (US Government Open Programmable Secure (US GOV OPS) that allows United States Government projects, their ecosystem, and open community to participate in accelerating innovation and security in the areas of 5G, Edge, AI, Standards, Programmability, and IOT among other technologies. The project formation encourages ecosystem players to support US Government initiatives to create the latest in technology software.

The project will launch as a standard open source project with neutral governance and a charter similar to other projects within the Linux Foundation. Additionally, the agreement enables collaboration with upstream and downstream communities such as LF Networking, LF Edge, and Zephyr, among others, to build on a secure code base for use by the US Government.

“DARPA’s use of open source software in the Open Programmable Secure 5G (OPS-5G) program leverages transparency, portability and open access inherent in this distribution model,” said Dr. Jonathan Smith, DARPA Information Innovation Office Program Manager. “Transparency enables advanced software tools and systems to be applied to the code base, while portability and open access will result in decoupling hardware and software ecosystems, enabling innovations by more entities across more technology areas.” 

“We are eager to ally with DARPA and its intent to accelerate secure, open source innovation and US competitiveness across breakthrough technologies,” said Arpit Joshipura, general manager, Networking, Edge, & IOT, the Linux Foundation. “This partnership enables transformational change across open software and systems, leveraging the best shared resources across the ecosystem.” 

The new US GOV OPS umbrella will include the Open Programmable Secure- 5G (OPS-5G) program as its first project, currently in formation with the help of DARPA, the US Navy and additional performers. The goal of OPS-5G is to create open source software and systems enabling secure end to end 5G and follow-on mobile networks. OPS-5G will create capabilities to address feature velocity in open source software, mitigating large scale Botnet of Things (BoT), network slicing on suspect gear, and adaptive adversaries operating at scale.

DARPA’s Dr. Jonathan Smith will be presenting at the upcoming Open Networking and Edge Executive Forum (ONEEF) a virtual event taking place March 10-12. This special Executive Edition of Open Networking & Edge Summit, the industry’s premier open networking & edge computing event, will feature executive leadership across the networking and edge ecosystems sharing their visions with a global audience in the Telco, Cloud and Enterprise verticals.

To learn more about US GOV OPS and OPS-5G, please visit      

About the Linux Foundation

Founded in 2000, the Linux Foundation is supported by more than 1,000 members and is the world’s leading home for collaboration on open source software, open standards, open data, and open hardware. Linux Foundation’s projects are critical to the world’s infrastructure including Linux, Kubernetes, Node.js, and more.  The Linux Foundation’s methodology focuses on leveraging best practices and addressing the needs of contributors, users and solution providers to create sustainable models for open collaboration. For more information, please visit us at


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